4124 links
739 private links
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Observability With eBPF - DZone
Isaac Asimov - Wikiquote
tanelpoder/0xtools: 0x.Tools: X-Ray vision for Linux systems
Marion Séclin, les masculinistes décomplexés pré-MeToo - YouTube
Unraid | Community Apps
How to build a thermal battery
EndeavourOS – A terminal-centric distro with a vibrant and friendly community at its core
CachyOS — Blazingly Fast OS based on Arch Linux — CachyOS
curl/trurl: trurl is a command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation.
En Savoie, des fans reproduisent la porte du film "Stargate" après douze ans de travail
Filimoa/open-parse: PDF Layout Chunking for LLMs
Identifying and profiling problematic MySQL queries
Cybersecurity for Beginners: Basic Skills - YouTube
sjpiper145/MakerSkillTree: A repository of Maker Skill Trees and templates to make your own.
The story of the SSH port is 22.
electromagnetic radiation - Why does a remote car key work when held to your head/body? - Physics Stack Exchange
Linux kernel version 6 not supported - patch available · Issue #384 · DisplayLink/evdi
restic backup with auto restic, autorestic and an nfs server as a remote storage
How to Enable Fractional Scaling on Fedora Linux - OMG! Linux
Subway • Bruce Davidson • Magnum Photos
Talk Time tracks who talks and how much in Google Meet
JetPorch - JetPorch Documentation
An Excruciatingly Detailed Guide To SSH (But Only The Things I Actually Find Useful)
LIDA | LIDA: Automated Visualizations with LLMs
Why Stronger Marijuana is Sparking Backlash - YouTube
Temptations of an open-source browser extension developer · extesy/hoverzoom · Discussion #670
Solved: dropbox hangs on "starting..." in Manjaro and in F... - Dropbox Community
Impasse idéologique #1 : les langages de programmation vert ⋅ Plume
Les faux-semblants de l’État néolibéral - YouTube
bartobri/no-more-secrets: A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
Auto-Tune : de Cher à PNL, le Photoshop de la voix - ARTE - YouTube
How to Write a Great README
Jean-Marc Jancovici, Ingénieur - Parcours d’un guerrier du climat - YouTube
Andrew Kelley - Practical DOD on Vimeo
justinclift/docker-pgautoupgrade: A PostgreSQL Docker container that automatically upgrades your database
pyrra-dev/pyrra: Making SLOs with Prometheus manageable, accessible, and easy to use for everyone!
slok/sloth: 🦥 Easy and simple Prometheus SLO (service level objectives) generator
Kubernetes logging best practices | Cloud Native Computing Foundation
The Pyramid of Alerting - DEV Community
boyter/cs: command line codespelunker or code search
Why you should run your platform team like a product team
Hackers can steal cryptographic keys by video-recording power LEDs 60 feet away | Ars Technica
logseq/logseq: A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: http://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases. roadmap: http://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap
Is this the best laptop you've never heard of? | ZDNET
GitHub - backstage/backstage: Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals
Mes lectures de 2022 - Hors-Série #4 - YouTube
Monitoring is a Pain
Les comportements de secte en entreprise | BUILD RH
GitHub - mycelial/mycelite: Mycelite is a SQLite extension that allows you to synchronize changes from one instance of SQLite to another.
A Beginner’s Guide to eBPF Programming - Liz Rice - Full Keynote - YouTube
eBPF Summit 2020
GitHub - lizrice/ebpf-beginners: The beginner's guide to eBPF
GitHub - binpash/try: "Do, or do not. There is no try." We're setting out to change that.
(13) Kubernetes et les Sept Clouds avec @jpetazzo et Tiffany Jernigan - YouTube
We need more of Richard Stallman, not less
About hybrid remote work
[1H]🎧🌿비내리는 어느 타동숲 마을로🚖🌧♬♪ 【1H】ㅣ게임음악, 노동요, 집중 음악 - YouTube
Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness Contest: Psychedelic Cryptography (Innovate)
L'imprimante 3D la plus rapide coûte 310 € ! - ZDNet
Adieu webcams : le projet Starline de Google est l'engin rêvé des télétravailleurs - ZDNet
Emotional Intelligence - by Amin Astaneh - Certo Modo
StanzaSystems/awesome-load-management: A repo of links to articles, papers, conference talks, and tooling related to load management in software services.
LES ENTREPRISES À L'HEURE DU FLEX-OFFICE - Contextes, enjeux, vécus, Delphine Minchella - livre, ebook, epub
Chapitre 8. L’environnement et l’Humain | Cairn.info
GitHub - Textualize/trogon: Easily turn your Click CLI into a powerful terminal application
GitHub - zenika-open-source/awesome-remote-work: 😎 Awesome lists about remote work
Dj Matafan - Chalet Vindieu (Remix de Bande Organisée) - YouTube
GitHub - smol-ai/developer: with 100k context windows on the way, it's now feasible for every dev to have their own smol developer
Nappes phréatiques - Masses d'eaux | Info-Secheresse.fr
How do fungi communicate?
tdunning/t-digest: A new data structure for accurate on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means
SREcon23 Americas - If I Can Do It on an Ambulance, You Can Do It in an Office: Scalable Incident - YouTube
Mesurer la résistance d'un pays (et ses faiblesses) - YouTube
ekkinox/yo: AI powered terminal assistant
Kobalt - Espanso, l’utilitaire indispensable qui vous facilite la vie
rbreaves/kinto: Mac-style shortcut keys for Linux & Windows.
Layoffs.fyi - Tech Layoff Tracker and Startup Layoff Lists
I found this site, chmodcommand.com
Stream Ronny | Listen to Questions pour un champion playlist online for free on SoundCloud
Voiture à hydrogène: l'impasse ? - YouTube
(19) Site Reliability Engineering - La théorie et la pratique - YouTube
GitHub - PeterWang512/FALdetector: Code for the paper: Detecting Photoshopped Faces by Scripting Photoshop
Introducing Service Weaver: A Framework for Writing Distributed Applications | Google Open Source Blog
Reddit - Explorez sans limite
Pourquoi on a le nez qui coule en hiver ? - YouTube
Ambroise Croizat — Wikipédia
groundcover-com/caretta: Instant K8s service dependency map, right to your Grafana.
(1) Etienne Klein : Qu'est-ce que la Mort ? - YouTube
Percentiles don’t work: Analyzing the distribution of response times for web services (Updated with code) | by adrian cockcroft | Jan, 2023 | Medium
Predictabily Irrational | Dan Ariely | Talks at Google - YouTube
Menaces sur notre sécurité maritime ? F. MANET, colonel de gendarmerie - YouTube
Avec l’élevage en lactation continue, on peut se passer de l’abattoir
"Génocide vendéen" : histoire d'un concept polémique - YouTube
The Sound Of Those Strikes 😵🔊 Marie Ruumet DOMINATES Ayaka Miyauchi - YouTube
La stratégie du gouvernement pour éviter le débat sur les retraites - FAQ Politique #16 - YouTube
EDA Visuals
CLI tools you won't be able to live without 🔧 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Google’s New AI: Fly INTO Photos…But Deeper! 🐦 - YouTube
Conventional Comments
Theory-building and why employee churn is lethal to software companies – Baldur Bjarnason
LE GRAND ÉCHIQUIER - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Élucid
Electricity Maps | Live 24/7 CO₂ emissions of electricity consumption
How to Change Your Mind | Michael Pollan | Talks at Google - YouTube
Adventures w/ Container manifests | by Daz Wilkin | Google Cloud - Community | Medium
steveazz/awesome-slo: Curated list of resources on SLOs
Souveraineté et indépendance énergétique de la France : M. Yves Bréchet, ancien Haut-commissaire à l’Énergie atomique et Membre de l’Académie des sciences - Mardi 29 novembre 2022 - Vidéos de l'Assemblée nationale
07/27/1978 - YouTube
GitHub - ankitpokhrel/jira-cli: 🔥 [WIP] Feature-rich interactive Jira command line.
It was the first time I visited the Redwoods in the US. And after 2 days of trying, I finally found the magical light I was looking for! (OC) [2000x1333] : EarthPorn
TERRIFYING STRIKES 👊😵 Kim Jae Woong vs. Tetsuya Yamada Full Fight - YouTube
ellie/atuin: 🐢 Magical shell history
valeriansaliou/sonic: 🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
debian - How to unload kernel module 'nvidia-drm'? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Phippy Goes to the Zoo | Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Istio & JWT: Step by Step Guide for Micro-Services Authentication | by Ferdous Shourove | intelligentmachines | Medium
MagicPrompt Stable Diffusion - a Hugging Face Space by Gustavosta
divamgupta/diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui: Diffusion Bee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed.
InvokeAI/INSTALL_WINDOWS.md at main · invoke-ai/InvokeAI
invoke-ai/InvokeAI: This version of CompVis/stable-diffusion features an interactive command-line script that combines text2img and img2img functionality in a "dream bot" style interface, a WebGUI, and multiple features and other enhancements.
Effective SRE: SLO Engineering and Error Budget | by Digital Architects Zurich | Medium
Single Prometheus job for dozens of Blackbox exporters | by Hayk Davtyan | Geek Culture | Medium
gini/dexter: dexter is a Kubernetes OIDC helper with as much automation as possible
2022 Star Citizen New Player Guide | 3.17.1 | - YouTube
1981 : Fernande, une femme à la mine | Archive INA - YouTube
karanpratapsingh/system-design: Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
Why fasting bolsters brain power: Mark Mattson at TEDxJohnsHopkinsUniversity - YouTube
GitHub - ccoors/Valeronoi: A WiFi mapping companion app for Valetudo
promptoMANIA:: Midjourney prompt builder
How to Install Linux on an M1 Mac With Apple Silicon
Calm Office • Interactive Office Noise Generator
Anticiper une situation d'urgence | Gouvernement.fr
John Carmack: Best programming setup and IDE | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips - YouTube
guide to argumentation and debunking on metabunk
Le business du Covid Long feat. Alexander Samuel & @Le biostatisticien - DNR 14 - YouTube
Métavers, le gouffre énergétique - YouTube
Non, on ne croyait pas que la Terre était plate au Moyen Âge - YouTube
Bitcoin & the Culture Wars with Eric Weinstein - YouTube
(1) Fin des métaux rares : c'est l'heure du choix (avec Aurore Stéphant) - YouTube
Peut-on jouir dans un monde injuste ? | Les Idées Larges | ARTE - YouTube
5. Google DiRT: Disaster Recovery Testing - Chaos Engineering [Book]
An AWS Bastion Host unreachable from the internet— Part 2 | by Ben Riou | Adevinta Tech Blog | Jun, 2022 | Medium
Break Down Kubernetes Server-Side Apply | by Stefanie Lai | The Startup | Medium
Le jobbing avec Frizbiz ! La solution pour tous vos petits travaux
Tags · mkubecek/vmware-host-modules
How Palo Alto Networks Replaced Kafka with ScyllaDB for Stream Processing - ScyllaDB
Benchmarking Apache Cassandra (40 Nodes) vs ScyllaDB (4 Nodes) - ScyllaDB
tl;dv for Zoom and Google Meet - Record, Transcribe, Edit & Timestamp Meetings
50 Cognitive Biases to be Aware of so You Can be the Very Best Version of You | TitleMax
Les ondes électromagnétiques dans notre quotidien (partie 2/4) - YouTube
dragonflydb/dragonfly: A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached
debauchee/barrier: Open-source KVM software
À QUOI RESSEMBLERA LE MONDE DANS 100 ANS ? - Antoine Buéno - YouTube
DALL·E mini - a Hugging Face Space by dalle-mini
Hugging Face – The AI community building the future.
Gilets de signalisation | Omlet
linkedin/cruise-control: Cruise-control is the first of its kind to fully automate the dynamic workload rebalance and self-healing of a Kafka cluster. It provides great value to Kafka users by simplifying the operation of Kafka clusters.
tonarino/innernet: A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood.
A Kernel Hacker Meets Fuchsia OS | Alexander Popov
Jean Monnet - L'homme de l’ombre visionnaire | ARTE - YouTube
Modéliser l'avenir de l'humanité - YouTube
GRANDE-BRETAGNE. IVsiècle – L'anneau qui inspira Tolkien
Le kitchari - Les recettes de François-Régis Gaudry - YouTube
Gabriele Galimberti – The Ameriguns - LOBA
Supply-Side Theory Definition
Garaetteok - Recette Traditionnelle Coréenne | 196 flavors
Metric edition : coolguides
The creator of the CRISPR Babies has been released from a Chinese prison | MIT Technology Review
Comment faire advenir un monde juste ? | Les Lumières au XXIe siècle | ARTE - YouTube
Why Corruption is China's Secret Weapon - YouTube
pinterest/knox: Knox is a secret management service
defenseunicorns/zarf: DevSecOps for Air Gap & Limited-Connection Systems. https://zarf.dev/
Plain Kubernetes Secrets are fine
What makes VictoriaMetrics the next leading choice for open-source monitoring | by Amit Karni | Everything Full Stack | May, 2022 | Medium
Limiting access to Kubernetes resources with RBAC
How SREs analyze risks to evaluate SLOs | Google Cloud Blog
Get good at Git
How To Make Tteokbokki + Rice Cake [Easy Recipe] Korean Food - YouTube
(3) Netmaker v0.2 - Site to Site and Gateway over WireGuard Tutorial - YouTube
Ip Man Chum Kiu (Close-Up) - YouTube
👋 Welcome to Kubernetes Goat | Kubernetes Goat
Designing a Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan | by Elliot Graebert | May, 2022 | Medium
Runtimes Deep Dive: Kubernetes, CRI, and Shims | Threat Stack
A website to fight planned obsolescence: Reviews about broken or worn-out products to identify common stress points and how to fix them. Let's keep corporations accountable, and start caring about the amount of waste we produce!
Dockerfiles now Support Multiple Build Contexts - Docker
hubblo-org/scaphandre: ⚡ Energy consumption metrology agent. Let "scaph" dive and bring back the metrics that will help you make your systems and applications more sustainable !
Extending HAProxy with the Stream Processing Offload Engine - HAProxy Technologies
The computers used to do 3D animation for Final Fantasy VII... in 1996.
PlayStation Architecture | A Practical Analysis
Les mnemons : quand la mémoire passe par les protéines prions
YDB — an open-source Distributed SQL Database
A Deep Dive Into the Four Types of Prometheus Metrics
[UKRAINE / RUSSIE] L'OSINT en temps de guerre : le renseignement à la portée de tous ? - YouTube
ycd/dstp: 🧪 Run common networking tests against your site.
Laboratory (Content Security Policy / CSP Toolkit) – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
What's in a hostname?
Lissy93/personal-security-checklist: 🔒 A curated checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2022
GitHub - sharkdp/hyperfine: A command-line benchmarking tool
squat/kilo: Kilo is a multi-cloud network overlay built on WireGuard and designed for Kubernetes (k8s + wg = kg)
Tester la vitesse des disques | Documentation OVH
Guide Elden Ring : Tout savoir sur le farm de Runes - chapitrage dispo - YouTube
Boîte quantique — Wikipédia
Freelances : bien fixer, annoncer et négocier vos tarifs (guide complet) – Miximum
Tout savoir pour bien débuter Elden Ring ! Classes, legs, objets et astuces - YouTube
Get Started with eBPF— CNCF Roadmap | by Burak Tahtacıoğlu | Feb, 2022 | Medium
Le convoi de la liberté : Des anti pass, des complotistes et des gilets jaunes ? - YouTube
EXPLOSION DU CHÔMAGE : qui est coupable ? - YouTube
บัวขาว Buakaw Por Pramuk vs Jean Charles Skarbowsky Xplosion Hong Kong - YouTube
The Pride of Sakuraba | Fightlore Preview - YouTube
SRE and the Practice of Practice | Blameless
CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape
Plato's Dashboards
wader/fq: jq for binary formats
Homemade Roasted Cherry Tomato Gobarotta Spaghetti : oddlysatisfying
Zuckerberg doit-il finir en prison ? - YouTube
kubernetes - Namespace "stuck" as Terminating, How I removed it - Stack Overflow
10 GitHub Actions resources to bookmark from the basics to CI/CD | The GitHub Blog
Anderson Silva • The Spider Era - YouTube
Multipath TCP on RHEL 8: From one to many subflows | Red Hat Developer
Les nouvelles spiritualités : la FIN des religions ??? - YouTube
(38) Technical Overview of FoundationDB - Evan Tschannen, Apple - YouTube
(38) "Testing Distributed Systems w/ Deterministic Simulation" by Will Wilson - YouTube
Critical Vulnerability in HAProxy (CVE-2021-40346): Integer Overflow Enables HTTP Smuggling
run-x/awesome-kubernetes: A curated list for awesome kubernetes projects, tools and resources.
Differential Steering Explained. Documentary from 1937. : EngineeringPorn
GregMMA combat un de ses modèles, Aurélien Duarte 7X Champion du monde ! - YouTube
I figured out how DMARC works, and it almost broke me | Simon Andrews
Bike Camera + Safety Lights. The dashcam engineered for cyclists.
Variant Delta et Vaccins COVID-19 : efficacité, effets indésirables & COVID long - YouTube
Red Dead Redemption 2: The MODDED Wacky West - YouTube
Pas assez de recul sur les vaccins ARN ?! (Tronche de Fake 5.4) - YouTube
L'homme a mangé la Terre | ARTE - YouTube
GitHub - DNS-OARC/flamethrower: a DNS performance and functional testing utility supporting UDP, TCP, DoT and DoH (by @ns1labs)
Social media and the neuroscience of predictive processing | Aeon Essays
De-Siloing Incident Management: How to Make Reliability Engineering Everyone’s Job | Rootly
deployment/Scaling_CoreDNS.md at master · coredns/deployment
Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus, Ultimate Guide | Sysdig
The Immortality Key; Psychedelics and the Ancient Age | Brian Muraresku & Prof. Carl Ruck | S4: E37 - YouTube
Automatic Remediation of Kubernetes Nodes
Handful of cities driving urban greenhouse gas emissions - study | Reuters
The Nightmare Character That Broke Tekken - YouTube
Pas de prison pour les grands escrocs ? Renaud Van Ruymbeke [EN DIRECT] - YouTube
Test Écouteurs sans fil Sony WF-1000XM4 : l'élite des true wireless à réduction de bruit se trouve de nouveaux ambassadeurs - Les Numériques
Paysan bio depuis 1966, il travaille encore - YouTube
4 Useful fzf Tricks for Your Terminal | Pragmatic Pineapple 🍍
Voyage au coeur du système financier avec l'ex-trader Anice Lajnef - YouTube
Fluffy steamed buns filled with sweet red beans (Jjinppang: 찐빵) - YouTube
GitHub - slok/sloth: 🦥 Easy and simple Prometheus SLO (service level objectives) generator
About Zellij
CFS hiccups
Kubernetes: Make your services faster by removing CPU limits
digital ocean - Changing the CPU Manager Policy in Kubernetes - Stack Overflow
enhancements/keps/sig-node/2254-cgroup-v2 at master · kubernetes/enhancements
(12) DNA: The Code of Life (SHA2017) - YouTube
kippit, l'électroménager agréé par l'avenir - kippit
s-tui · PyPI
‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups | First Round Review
(8) Scaling hotstar.com for 25 million concurrent viewers - YouTube
Learn the Shadow Puppetry of Japan’s Edo Period with Hiroshige’s Delightful Woodblock Prints | Colossal
GitHub - home-sweet-gnome/dash-to-panel: An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that found in KDE Plasma and Windows 7+. A separate dock is no longer needed for easy access to running and favorited applications.
kubernetes - How to merge kubectl config file with ~/.kube/config? - Stack Overflow
Shallow Mirror. Enhancement to Kafka MirrorMaker to… | by Pinterest Engineering | Pinterest Engineering Blog | May, 2021 | Medium
DNS infrastructure at Hulu. Author: Kirill Timofeev | by Hulu Tech | disney-streaming | Medium
Ils soignent avec... de l'EAU ! - YouTube
Play Tomb Raider online | Play old classic games online
Treat your pods according to their needs - three QoS classes in Kubernetes - cloudowski.com
hjacobs/kube-downscaler: Scale down Kubernetes deployments after work hours - kube-downscaler - Codeberg.org
That’s Not My Burnout – A List Apart
Fedora 34 VMware Workstation VM Upgraded from Fedora 33 has Audio Crackling - Super User
1Password/vault-plugin-secrets-onepassword: Hashicorp Vault plugin that allows for the retrieval, creation, and deletion of items stored in a 1Password vault accessed by use of the 1Password Connect.
gpakosz/.tmux: 🇫🇷 Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ❤️
(1) BLACK METAL GUIDE - How to get - Valheim Tips & Tricks to Plains, Fulings, Yagluth & More - YouTube
Advanced tips for Valheim : valheim
python-nmap · PyPI
Embrace your inner incident commander – Increment: Reliability
Chain | Valheim Wiki | Fandom
Alexays/Waybar: Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors.
ContainerSolutions/k8s-deployment-strategies: Kubernetes deployment strategies explained
Réchauffement climatique : les Alpes ont perdu un mois de neige en l'espace de 50 ans
routing - iptables packet forwarding to one of two gateways depending on origin - Server Fault
harporoeder/ebpfsnitch: Linux Application Level Firewall based on eBPF and NFQUEUE.
senthilrch/kube-fledged: A kubernetes add-on for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the cluster worker nodes, so application pods start almost instantly
kubermatic/fubectl: Reduces repetitive interactions with kubectl
The Antikythera Cosmos on Vimeo
(1) MASK TEST | VAPING WHILE WEARING VARIOUS MASKS | N95, Surgical, Cotton and more. - YouTube
pystardust/ytfzf: A posix script to find and watch youtube videos from the terminal. (With out API)
Le multivers bayésien - YouTube
GitHub - oguzhaninan/Stacer: Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring - https://oguzhaninan.github.io/Stacer-Web
Install Terraform | Terraform - HashiCorp Learn
darkbitio/k8s-mirror: Creates a local mirror of a Kubernetes cluster in a docker container to support offline reviewing
zestyping/q: Quick and dirty debugging output for tired programmers. ⛺
Effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19: A Tale of Three Models | medRxiv
Excalidraw | Hand-drawn look & feel • Collaborative • Secure
Netdev 0x12 - Keynote: Evolving from AFAP Teaching NICs about time - YouTube
Recette : l’hérésie suprême du guacamole minute | CanardPC.com
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine - Articles
Homemade Phyllo (or Filo) Dough Video - Allrecipes.com
3 idées reçues sur la lutte contre la pauvreté, avec Esther Duflo - YouTube
How to Enable 'Fuzzy Search' in GNOME Shell's Applications Screen - OMG! Ubuntu!
Cyberpunk 2077 - Launch Glitches Trailer (a compilation of early clips, reposted as the post was deleted) : cyberpunkgame
13'12 contre les violences policières [CLIP OFFICIEL] - YouTube
aquasecurity/kube-bench: Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark
A Deep Dive into Kubernetes Scheduling – The New Stack
Impacts of many tables in a Cassandra data model
awslabs/karpenter: Kubernetes Autoscaling: built for scalability and extensibility from the ground up.
What's in a Linux executable? - fasterthanli.me
All of the times President Trump said Covid-19 will disappear
VIDEO. L'histoire de Putzi, le plus proche confident d'Hitler, racontée par Thomas Snegaroff
TSP #170 - Is 5G Dangerous? - YouTube
Jancovici : James Finance contre Docteur Carbone - Genève - 17/09/2020
Physique quantique : cette expérience remet-elle en question notre réalité ?
Get started with Wazuh · Wazuh · The Open Source Security Platform
Automating safe, hands-off deployments
Design Docs at Google
Chris Buck - Photographer
Dépression sur vos données personnelles, Météo France fuite votre géolocalisation | Pixel de tracking
GitHub - Shawn-Shan/fawkes: Fawkes, privacy preserving tool against facial recognition systems. More info at https://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes
Recette - Cinnamon roll en vidéo
ansible - How to list groups that host is member of? - Stack Overflow
Comprendre la résolution DNS sous Debian · j’ai acheté un PC...
instaclustr/cassandra-sstable-tools: Tools for working with sstables
Programming media keys on the Ducky One 2 Skyline
Quel masque anti-pollution vélo choisir ? ⋆ Weelz.fr
1347 : La peste noire | Quand l'histoire fait dates | ARTE - YouTube
La faute de l'orthographe | Arnaud Hoedt Jérôme Piron | TEDxRennes - YouTube
Recette : Le Rhum arrangé | Archive INA - YouTube
firewalld VS docker - Guillaume Kulakowski's blog
meesaltena/SSHHeatmap: Generates a heatmap of IP's that made failed SSH login attempts.
How does a TCP Reset Attack work? | Robert Heaton
aristocratos/bashtop: Linux resource monitor
schollz/croc: Easily and securely send things from one computer to another
Attack matrix for Kubernetes
Edouard Klein / falsisign · GitLab
AI Gahaku : Renaissance painting from your photos.
Introducing for Families
burghardt/easy-wg-quick: Creates Wireguard configuration for hub and peers with ease
Nature-Inspired Green Energy Technology Clears Major Development Hurdle | Berkeley Lab
Using NVMe Command Line Tools to Check NVMe Flash Health - Percona Database Performance Blog
Star birthing region in the Carina Nebula
The Prodigal Techbro | The Conversationalist
jlevy/the-art-of-command-line: Master the command line, in one page
Sucre, la Vérité Amère [ Sugar, The Bitter Truth] Robert H. Lustig - YouTube
How This Guy Builds Mesmerizing Kinetic Sculptures | Obsessed | WIRED - YouTube
Crêpes vegan? Cassoulet vegan ? Steak vegan ? – Insolente Veggie
infracloudio/botkube: App that helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster, debug critical deployments & gives recommendations for standard practices
CPU limits and aggressive throttling in Kubernetes - Omio Engineering - Medium
(10) Mon aspirateur robot Xiaomi affiche le code panne error 1 - YouTube
(10) Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner Robot Review and Teardown - YouTube
(10) Что внутри Xiaomi Mi Robot, разобрать умный робот пылесос, ремонт - YouTube
systemd service sandboxing and security hardening 101 | Ctrl blog
MySQL Challenge: 100k Connections - Percona Database Performance Blog
Apprendre le langage Go en 2020 🤔 - Jean-Baptiste Le Duigou - Medium
Your first 90 days as CTO or VP Engineering.
Une petite phalange réécrit l’histoire évolutive des humains
What You Probably Didn’t Know About Sudo - aster.cloud
Tuto : comment sortir de la spirale de la fatigue ? - YouTube
A Grenoble, une start-up transforme votre voiture thermique en voiture électrique - France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Managing reliability with SLOs and Error Budgets - Kudos Engineering - Medium
SSH Pentesting Guide – TurgenSec Community
Apache Guacamole : Passerelle RDP, SSH, VNC, TELNET… – Tech2Tech | News, Astuces, Tutos, Vidéos autour de l'informatique
vfxGer/docker_eventer: A Docker container to notify about Docker events written in Python
How to Crack WPA & WPA2 Wi-Fi Passwords with Pyrit « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
JPaulMora/Pyrit: The famous WPA precomputed cracker, Migrated from Google.
50 Essential Nmap Commands for System Admins
Study may explain how infections reduce autism symptoms | MIT News
Histoire : comment Tony Garnier a façonné Lyon
Devoops: Nomad with raw_exec enabled Carnal0wnage - Attack Research Blog Carnal0wnage & Attack Research Blog
Portraits of Trees by Myoung Ho Lee
tsenart/vegeta: HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!
Building and scaling the Fastly network, part 1: Fighting the FIB
Fastly improves delivery reliability with its fast path failover technology
cloudflare/flan: A pretty sweet vulnerability scanner
French Tech - YouTube
Thinking about color
Histoire de Babar : le petit éléphant / Jean de Brunhoff | Gallica
How TCP backlog works in Linux
SYN packet handling in the wild
GitHub - aboul3la/Sublist3r: Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
Performance Tuning
json haproxy + logstash
Ps1 startup sound - YouTube
Clientélisme politique et Moyen-Orient : Agnès Levallois et Pierre Conesa [EN DIRECT] - YouTube
Changement de Civilisation ? Marc Luyckx Ghisi [EN DIRECT] - YouTube
matrice-deisenhower-600x504.png (Image PNG, 600 × 504 pixels)
You Build It, You Run It
Communauté Steam :: Guide :: Le Votekick pour les nuls (même avec des caractères alacon)
[OC] Europe (and surrounding areas) in 1444 A.D. : DataArt
Maladie de Lyme : vers une reconnaissance de la forme chronique ?
FairwindsOps/rbac-manager: A Kubernetes operator that simplifies the management of Role Bindings and Service Accounts.
3 Realistic Approaches to Kubernetes RBAC - The New Stack
starship/starship: ☄🌌️ The cross-shell prompt for astronauts.
Mouse cursor disappears in overview (#1165) · Issues · GNOME / gnome-shell · GitLab
Summer Colors
lra/mackup: Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
nray-scanner/nray: nray distributed port scanner
GitHub - muesli/gitomatic: A tool to monitor git repositories and automatically pull & push changes
Kubernetes Web UIs in 2019 | SRCco.de
The dark side of kubeconfig · Banzai Cloud
GitHub - fcsonline/drill: Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
Logarhitmic_radial_photo_of_the_universe_by_pablo_budassi_9MFK.jpg (JPEG Image, 4288 × 4288 pixels) - Scaled (22%)
Le réchauffement climatique ravive une plante qui ne s’était pas reproduite depuis 60 millions d'années
UN PILLAGE FRANÇAIS #3 : L'énergie - YouTube
sebsauvage : "#hongkong Alors là, je dois dire que je suis adm…" - Framapiaf
cruise-automation/daytona: a vault client, but for servers and containers.
Tests de charge avec Artillery.io
How to set up a perfect Python project - Sourcery
Red Hat Ceph Storage Performance Series: How BlueStore Tuning Helps
TCP Network scanner using asyncio for Python 3.7
How we send 22000 emails every hour
tumblr/docker-registry-pruner: Tool to apply retention logic to docker images in a Docker Registry
Goodbye Docker: Purging is Such Sweet Sorrow – zwischenzugs
Understanding Docker container escapes | Trail of Bits Blog
Features - Privileged Access Management (PAM) for Compliance | Teleport | Gravitational
FeralInteractive/gamemode: Optimise Linux system performance on demand
Découverte du RFPlayer, le nouvel émetteur et récepteur multiprotocoles
How we built our hybrid Kubernetes platform - Dailymotion - Medium
dpiekacz/gixlg: GIXLG - Looking Glass
cherdt/bgp-peer: BGP peering with Quagga and ExaBGP
Controlling ExaBGP : _ README first · Exa-Networks/exabgp Wiki
infowolfe/exabgp-edgerouter: ExaBGP based automated blocklist for Spamhaus DROP/EDROP and Emerging Threats blocklists for Ubiquiti EdgeRouters (and possibly Vyatta vRouters)
microsoft/ethr: Ethr is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.
stripe/smokescreen: A simple HTTP proxy that fogs over naughty URLs
Vivian Maier - Photographe
Cannabis et sécurité routière : en zone rurale, la répression plus dangereuse que la consommation ?
From a python project to an open source package: an A to Z guide
Pr0meth3us/hms-docker: Home Media Server orchestration running on Docker containers with an automated setup script for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
gravitational/wormhole: Wireguard based overlay network CNI plugin for kubernetes
Golden Goal - Virtual Reality Football (Hilarious) *Subtitles* - YouTube
À quoi ressemblaient les chiens il y a 4.000 ans ?
Kubernetes Architecture - Master Node Components Tutorial
Le numérique a fait émerger de nouveaux modes informels d’apprentissage
what-happens-when-k8s/README.md at master · jamiehannaford/what-happens-when-k8s
10 Docker Image Security Best Practices | Snyk
How to Understand & Use IPv4 to Navigate a Network « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
bookingcom/shipper: Kubernetes native multi-cluster canary or blue-green rollouts using Helm
lyft/cartography: Cartography is a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database.
yanc0/untrak: Find untracked resources in Kubernetes cluster, garbage collect them.
antonmedv/red: Terminal log analysis tools
How to Spy on Network Relationships with Airgraph-Ng « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
bloomberg/powerfulseal at stackshare
Inside Kubernetes RBAC – Dominik Tornow – Medium
1970 : De quoi se plaignent les jeunes ? | Archive INA - YouTube
Into Jaxson Pohlman’s Magical Photography
(46) Comment muscler et libérer votre cerveau ? - Idriss ABERKANE - YouTube
Xiaomi Smart 1080P WiFi IP Camera with RTSP Streaming Hack • The Bobby Blog
timvisee/ffsend: Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.
How Airbnb Simplified the Kubernetes Workflow for 1000+ Engineers
How to ace the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam in 7 days
kubernetes.github.io/kubectl_config_set-credentials.md at master · ahmetb/kubernetes.github.io
rbac-online-talk/yaml at master · javsalgar/rbac-online-talk
reactiveops/rbac-lookup: Easily find roles and cluster roles attached to any user, service account, or group name in your Kubernetes cluster
reactiveops/rbac-manager: A Kubernetes operator that simplifies the management of Role Bindings and Service Accounts.
Présentation des fonctionnalités de sécurité | Kubernetes Engine | Google Cloud
Exploring container security: Running a tight ship with Kubernetes Engine 1.10 | Google Cloud Blog
Using Helm without Tiller - Giant Swarm
How to make mozzarella : GifRecipes
From a single cell to a tadpole, embryology of an Alpine Newt : interestingasfuck
google-cloud-tools/kubernetes-rbac-synchroniser: Google Group User --> Kubernetes RBAC
Japanese Cities by Alessandro Zanoni
corneliusweig/rakkess: Review Access - kubectl plugin to show an access matrix for all available resources
google-cloud-tools/kube-eagle: A prometheus exporter created to provide a better overview of your resource allocation and utilization in a Kubernetes cluster.
walidshaari/Kubernetes-Certified-Administrator: Online resources that will help you prepare for taking the CNCF CKA "Kubernetes Certified Administrator" Certification exam. with time, This is not likely the comprehensive up to date list - please make a pull request if there something that should be added here.
ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes: A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources
CKA Exam guide - Google Docs
How I passed the CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) Exam
How the CIA infects air-gapped networks | Ars Technica
ENQUÊTE FRANCEINFO. Comment les renseignements s'adaptent depuis trois mois au mouvement inédit des "gilets jaunes"
Bash Startup Explained
facebook/PathPicker: PathPicker accepts a wide range of input -- output from git commands, grep results, searches -- pretty much anything.After parsing the input, PathPicker presents you with a nice UI to select which files you're interested in. After that you can open them in your favorite editor or execute arbitrary commands.
bincyber/vigilant: a security controller for Kubernetes
dlespiau/footloose: Container Machines - Containers that look like Virtual Machines
[SOLVED] - Ceph - Schedule deep scrubs to prevent service degradation | Proxmox Support Forum
Server Hunter - Find a server
GitHub - smashwilson/slack-emojinator: Bulk upload emoji into Slack
GitHub - fatedier/frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
GitHub - Canop/broot: An interactive tree view, a fuzzy search, a balanced BFS descent and customizable commands.
GitHub - sharkdp/bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
Introduction to HAProxy Logging - HAProxy Technologies
Le complotiste de l’Élysée, par Frédéric Lordon (Les blogs du Diplo, 2 février 2019)
robscott/kube-capacity: A simple CLI that provides an overview of the resource requests, limits, and utilization in a Kubernetes cluster
GoogleContainerTools/krew: 📦 Package manager for "kubectl plugins"
Write your own kubectl subcommands
Browsh - A Modern Text Browser That Play Videos and Everything
Red Dead Redemption 2 : voici comment faire pour s'échapper du monde en canoë !
derailed/k9s: 🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
Grenoble pendant l'entre deux guerres 1920-1940 - GRENOBLE - la ville et sa région
Il est allé trop loin, il doit partir, par Frédéric Lordon (Les blogs du Diplo, 28 janvier 2019)
$144 Steak Lunch in Tokyo - Teppanyaki in Japan - YouTube
60 Days BUTTER DRY AGED Experiment vs Real Dry Aged Steaks! - YouTube
hjacobs/kube-ops-view: Kubernetes Operational View - read-only system dashboard for multiple K8s clusters
Grenade GLI-F4 : révélations sur une arme qui mutile | Ismaël Halissat
kubernetes/types.go at v1.13.2 · kubernetes/kubernetes
drk1wi/Modlishka: Modlishka. Reverse Proxy. Phishing NG.
A Fresh Look On Reverse Proxy Related Attacks | Acunetix
Kubernetes TLS bootstrapping – Todd Rosner – Medium
Le Télégramme: Economie. Les 26 plus riches détiennent autant d’argent que la moitié de l’humanité
Primer on Python Decorators – Real Python
See how 10 different movie sounds are made : BeAmazed
aquasecurity/kube-hunter: Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
TimWolla/haproxy-auth-request: auth-request allows you to add access control to your HTTP services based on a subrequest to a configured haproxy backend.
XMeters: display resource use on the Windows taskbar - gHacks Tech News
Creating Effective Docker Images - YouTube
GitHub - jurasofish/multilateration: Draw loci corresponding to radio transmission multilateration - Oros links
koenbollen/jl: jl — JSON Logs, a development tool for working with structured JSON logging.
Kouyère - le roi Burgonde - YouTube
CARP and devd on FreeBSD – Michael Warren Lucas
probook/oauth2-haproxy.md at master · diptadas/probook
Microsoft/Ethr: Ethr is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.
Haven: Keep Watch (BETA) – Applications sur Google Play
GitHub - sensepost/mallet
Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code
txn2/kubefwd: Bulk port forwarding Kubernetes services for local development.
Asynchronous Programming in Python | Asyncio (Guide)
Cette météorite provient du plus vieux volcan connu du Système solaire
Brian Kernighan Remembers the Origins of 'grep' - The New Stack
Un témoignage exceptionnel des derniers moments des samouraïs | Slate.fr
The World - Illustrated Map [6000x3915] : MapPorn
J’ai Décidé de Dormir 4 Heures Par Jour et Voici ce Qu’il S’est Passé - YouTube
Frank Abagnale - FedTalks 2013 - YouTube
The Ultimate Guide To Speech Recognition With Python – Real Python
[TOP25] Shortlist du concours Sony World Photography Awards 2018 - #Olybop
hchasestevens.github.io/the-decorators-they-wont-tell-you-about.ipynb at master · hchasestevens/hchasestevens.github.io
L'adolescence durerait jusqu'à 24 ans
7 Habits of Highly Successful Site Reliability Engineers
nyxi – IBGP with Linux and pfSense
Server to Client · An A List Apart Article
Découverte d’une épave intacte datant de 400 avant J.-C.
20+ Of The Best Wildlife Photos Of 2018 (WARNING: Some Images May Be Too Brutal) | Bored Panda
Load-sharing vs Load-balancing – Routing-Bits
Operationalizing VRF in the Data Center
Configuring a VRF to work properly for FRR · FRRouting/frr Wiki
Trying OSPF with Quagga and OpenBGP
What are the best load balancing methods and algorithms?
Testing Kubernetes RBAC – YLD Engineering Blog – Medium
(36) Lucio Bukowski X Tcheep - IMPOPULAIRE (réa : Aucune Notoriété) - YouTube
Simple Tab Groups – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
Sol Motors : le vélo électrique un peu trop puissant
Tout savoir sur le propylène glycol (PG) dans les cigarettes électroniques
Container Scanning - kubedex.com
How to hide title bar in Firefox 57 Quantum? - Ask Ubuntu
Fatou Diome dans Ce soir (ou jamais!) - L'essentiel - YouTube
How to Uncover Hidden Subdomains to Reveal Internal Services with CT-Exposer « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Iouri Dmitriev, l’historien qui donne un nom aux victimes des purges staliniennes
L'Homme était déjà présent à Madagascar il y a 10.500 ans
jetstack/cert-manager: Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes
restic/restic: Fast, secure, efficient backup program
CPF Permis de conduire : monter un dossier de financement
The military secret to falling asleep in two minutes | The Independent
py-spy/README.md at master · benfred/py-spy
Présages #1 : Jean-Marc Jancovici — présages
Kubernetes Networking: How to Write Your Own CNI Plug-in with Bash | Altoros
GitHub - kontena/mortar: The manifest shooter for Kubernetes
GitHub - jesseduffield/lazygit: simple terminal UI for git commands
10+ top open-source tools for Docker security | TechBeacon
On Its 30th Anniversary, Remembering the Early Days of IRC - The New Stack
Introducing Kafka-Kit: Tools for Scaling Kafka
Demystifying RBAC in Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
davidfraser/pyan: pyan is a Python module that performs static analysis of Python code to determine a call dependency graph between functions and methods. This is different from running the code and seeing which functions are called and how often; there are various tools that will generate a call graph in that way, usually using debugger or profiling trace hooks - for example: https://pycallgraph.readthedocs.org/ This code was originally written by Edmund Horner, and then modified by Juha Jeronen. See README for the original blog posts and links to their repositories.
Il finit TOUS les Fallout en moins de 90 minutes : La vidéo championne du monde
How To Minikube + Cloudflare
Logging Wisdom: How to Log – Unomaly Blog – Medium
Delete Time Series from Prometheus 2.0
Observability tips with HAProxy - Willy Tarreau at dotScale 2018
How to Setup IP Failover with KeepAlived on Ubuntu & Debian - TecAdmin
arismelachroinos/lscript: The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
The Space Shuttle Columbia lifted off from Kennedy Space Center at 12:12 p.m. (EDT) on June 25, 1992. Five NASA astronauts and two scientists/payload specialists were aboard, beginning a 13-day trip that would feature extensive research in the U.S. Microgravity Laboratory I. [2671 x 4096]
Downloads / Software / Winaero Tweaker
Learn How to Troubleshoot Applications Running on Kubernetes
linux - Configuring ARP age timeout - Stack Overflow
lanjelot/patator: Patator is a multi-purpose brute-forcer, with a modular design and a flexible usage.
Jules Brunet, le vrai dernier samouraï
Watch Cartoons and Anime Online in HD for Free
Identifying the load with the help of pt-query-digest and Percona Server - Percona Database Performance Blog
How to identify and cure MySQL replication slave lag
Autotrace – Debug on Steroids – zwischenzugs
Fetching private GitHub repos from a Docker container
frr/bgp.rst at master · FRRouting/frr
The state of debugging microservices on Kubernetes
0x00-0x00/ShellPop: Pop shells like a master.
Python Exceptions: An Introduction – Real Python
(6) THE MUFFIN SONG (asdfmovie feat. Schmoyoho) - YouTube
A Stop-Motion Demo Turns Meta as the Characters Gradually Take Over in ‘Stems’ by Ainslie Henderson | Colossal
Little Fred, l’alter ego britannique d’Astérix à l’honneur à Londres | Courrier international
TV Series Tracker: Renewed and Canceled - IMDb
La guerre sans fin du Haut-Karabakh
IDEA – nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions
Ataï — Wikipédia
Quantum mechanics can’t smell my unwashed armpits… probably
CTS - conserve the sound
Le Top 10 sui locali del Pigneto sono una fregatura (tranne questa) - Le Cool Roma
Quagga with Docker and Open vSwitch · hyunsun/documentations Wiki
The Windows 95 Startup Sound Slowed 4000% Sounds Chill AF - Motherboard
kubernetes - How to let kubelet communicate with apiserver by using HTTPS? v0.19 - Stack Overflow
kansible/kubectl_config_set-cluster.md at master · fabric8io/kansible
CAs, certs and keys passed to apiservers are incomprehensible · Issue #54665 · kubernetes/kubernetes
openssl - How to Check Subject Alternative Names for a SSL/TLS Certificate? - Stack Overflow
mariadb galera - Error when a node shutdown ERROR 1047 WSREP has not yet prepared node for application use - Stack Overflow
Study suggests method for boosting growth of blood vessels and muscle
Tutorial: Using GoBGP as an IXP connecting router
The Tale of Two Container Networking Standards: CNM v. CNI - Nuage Networks
Snapcraft - Snaps are universal Linux packages
Deeper Dive in Docker Overlay Networks - YouTube
Using Python, Flask, and Angular to Build Modern Web Apps - Part 1
Udp packet drops and packet receive error difference - Network - Linux Tips
Prometheus: Apdex alerting – Tristan Colgate-McFarlane – Medium
GitHub - steamcache/generic: Generic LAN Download Content Cache
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - How To Improve PC Performance | Tweaks Guide
Datacenter Orchestration Security and Insecurity: Assessing Kubernetes, Mesos, and Docker at Scale - YouTube
Fallout 4 VR Guide (Install, Optimize, Mod) : oculus
Sécurité : Explication et analyse de la vulnérabilité Spectre | Blog Xebia - Cabinet de conseil IT
jonmosco/kube-ps1: Kubernetes prompt info for bash and zsh
ahmetb/kubectx: Fast way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl!
Dissecting Kubernetes Deployments | Heroku
appscode/voyager: ✈️️ Secure HAProxy Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
UltimateHackers/Striker: Striker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner.
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Ma Configuration Debian 9 – o_0
mherrmann/fbs at stackshare
Multihoming - a complete step-by-step Guide
coredns/README.md at master · coredns/coredns
kubernetes-the-hard-way/kube-dns.yaml at master · kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way
kubernetes/cluster/addons/dns at master · kubernetes/kubernetes
deployment/kubernetes at master · coredns/deployment
dns/specification.md at master · kubernetes/dns
coredns/coredns: CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins
LearnKubernetes/Kubernetes-The-Hard-Way-on-BareMetal.md at master · Praqma/LearnKubernetes
Bong Smoking Session with Ron Swanson (Parks n Rec), Annie (Community), Lydia (Party Down) (Video) - Karma Jello
Bien débuter avec un atomiseur reconstructible, bien choisir son matériel, réussir ses coils - Blog Le Petit Vapoteur
How Auroras are formed : educationalgifs
Video demonstrates the marvel of CRT displays at 380,000 frames per second | Ars Technica
Python - Auto generate requirements.txt - IdiotInside.com
Privacy, simplified.
Scaling Kubernetes to 2,500 Nodes
(108) Et tout le monde s'en fout #19 - La bienveillance - - YouTube
Pushing static routes with ISC DHCP server - ercpe.de
Kit Upgrade PC Core i7K ASUS STRIX Z270E GAMING 16 Go - Kit upgrade PC ASUS sur LDLC.com
Quirky TV and Film Moments Recreated in Pixels – Fubiz Media
Joseph Marie Jacquard - Wikipedia
ynohat/git-http-backend: A dead simple, insecure git-over-http server using nginx
Awesome deleted Creed moment. Bullying. : DunderMifflin
Wild dogs in Africa engage in fascinating voting behavior | Ars Technica
Il s’appelait Ali Nadi. C'était l'un des derniers goumiers. - YouTube
robcowart/elastiflow: Netflow Monitoring with Elastic Stack
deviantony/docker-elk: The ELK stack powered by Docker and Compose.
digitalocean/bind_exporter: Prometheus exporter for BIND
Tool for Relational Database – TablePlus
HAProxy Ingress Controller for Kubernetes - HAProxy Technologies
Un mod pour rendre GTA V natif en réalité virtuelle
Incident review: API and Dashboard outage on 10 October 2017 — GoCardless Blog
Winning Photos of the Epson International Pano Awards 2017 – Fubiz Media
Binky Pointer Fun Video C (High Quality 640x560) - YouTube
Shebang Snippets - Visual Studio Marketplace
Если бы я был художником
Marcos Lopez, “Angry” - Oil on Canvas, 2017 Just as I promised,...
pierky/blocklistsaggregator: A Python tool that downloads IP block lists from various sources and builds configurations for network equipments and firewalls.
How to Create and Manage Btrfs Snapshots and Rollbacks on Linux (part 2) | Linux.com | The source for Linux information
SWORD dropbox: A $15 OpenWRT based DIY disposable pen-test tool.
dspinellis/unix-v4man: Typeset the Fourth Research Edition Unix Programmer's Manual
pyprof2calltree 1.4.3 : Python Package Index
bbayles/py3flowtools: Python tools for working with netflow data
denysvitali/linux-on-pixel-c: Documentation on how to run a Linux Distro on the Google Pixel C (2015)
Linux port sharding // Speaker Deck
joewalnes/port-sharding: Example of Linux SO_REUSEPORT
uber/pyflame: 🔥 Pyflame: A Ptracing Profiler For Python
If The World Was Created By A Programmer [Comic] - Toggl Blog
The Lava Lamps That Help Keep The Internet Secure - YouTube
Détends-toi | Emma
Software Development explained with Cars | LinkedIn
(2) Dual Core - 0x0A Hack Commandments [FREE DL] - YouTube
Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs – Peter Jang – Medium
Small Scale Ceph Replicated Storage – JamesCoyle.net
Metallica - Live @ Lyon, 12 septembre 2017 (Multi-Cam - HQ Sound LiveMet.com) - YouTube
L’artiste russe Pavlenski arrêté à Paris pour avoir mis le feu à la Banque de France
La Bajon - La responsable marketing d'un grand magasin...
DNS for Service Discovery in HAProxy - HAProxy Technologies
Google Online Security Blog: Behind the Masq: Yet more DNS, and DHCP, vulnerabilities
Install OpenWrt (or WiFi Pineapple ) on low cost WiFi Router.
How can I restore the MySQL root user’s full privileges? - Stack Overflow
rfxn/advanced-policy-firewall: Advanced Policy Firewall (APF)
Membership Application | The Mysterious Package Company
Bad News for Users of TopIcons Plus - OMG! Ubuntu!
Auto PostgreSQL backup script.
cryptolok/GhostInTheNet: Ultimate Network Stealther that makes Linux a Ghost In The Net and protects from MITM/DOS/scan
portantier/habu: Python Network Hacking Toolkit
CCleaner compromised: better check your PC - gHacks Tech News
Change default network name (ens33) to old “eth0” on Ubuntu 16.04
RandomAdversary/Awesome-AI-Security: #AISecurity
Most Female and Male Occupations Since 1950 | FlowingData
A 30-Day Timelapse Transports You Across the Globe Aboard a Container Ship | Colossal
Python : 4 améliorations attendues au tournant - Le Monde Informatique
Le cloud de 1Password accessible depuis le terminal | MacGeneration
1Password command-line tool: Getting started - 1Password Support
Vrac'n Roll : Bon, bio, juste ce qu'il faut !
Permis de conduire en candidat libre | service-public.fr
Permis de conduire -Apprentissage de la conduite en candidat libre : l'obligation de formation à la double commande de l'accompagnateur est supprimée | service-public.fr
ofek/hatch: A modern project, package, and virtual env manager for Python
Cloudflare: Evading Cloud Security Protections | Rhino Security Labs
adnanh/webhook: webhook is a lightweight configurable tool written in Go, that allows you to easily create HTTP endpoints (hooks) on your server, which you can use to execute configured commands.
Tous mes conseils pour un voyage en Islande
Road trip en Islande, guide spécial hiver ! - Blog voyage et photo ✖ Carnets de traverse
Dotmod Petri V2 Review and Build Tutorial - YouTube
Open Sourcing Kafka Cruise Control | LinkedIn Engineering
Better Parallel Replication for MariaDB and MySQL | MariaDB
Binlog Servers at Booking.com | Percona Live MySQL Conference 2015
Downloads | MariaDB
dotScale 2017 - Andrew Shafer - Deep DevOps - Learning to learn - YouTube
Stagger Fused Clapton Vandy Vape
How To Integrate KDE Connect with GNOME Shell - OMG! Ubuntu!
Nmap Cheat Sheet
(90) Petri Coil Build! - YouTube
simonzack/hexfish: Python 3 fish encryption plugin for hexchat
20 raisons de ne pas voyager en Islande
LandGrey/pydictor: A powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder for a brute-force attack
Jeu de Société - YouTube
How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs | DigitalOcean
mozilla/send: File Sharing Experiment
not too shabby - YouTube
Test de Bechdel — Wikipédia
(59) Le futur de la pâtisserie, c'est ça - YouTube
Cronopete - An Apple's Time Machine Clone For Linux - OSTechNix
'Perijove 05 Juno Wallpaper 001 4k' | JunoCam : Processing | Mission Juno
Terminix is a Tiling Terminal Emulator for Linux - OMG! Ubuntu!
fmorgner/dev-cyber: Not the device we need, but the one we deserve
infobyte/spoilerwall: Spoilerwall introduces a brand new concept in the field of network hardening. Avoid being scanned by spoiling movies on all your ports!
ABUS Antivol pliable BORDO™ 6000 (500102002000)
An In-Depth Guide to iptables, the Linux Firewall - Boolean World
Le "respirianisme", ce "dangereux mouvement sectaire" qui prône le jeûne absolu - L'Obs
How to track down the source of Aborted_connects - Percona Database Performance Blog
gilbertchen/duplicacy: A new generation cloud backup tool
Le pastafarisme, fake cult et vrais enjeux. – Carnet de recherche de l'IPRA
Juno Perijove 05 | NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / S… | Flickr
Capture2Text: OCR Software for Windows - gHacks Tech News
raboof/nethogs: Linux 'net top' tool
Sunberry | Sunberry - Makes your energy
How to Sort and Remove Duplicate Photos in Linux | Linux.com | The source for Linux information
The year before his murder, Malcolm X was under electronic surveillance by the FBI
Abandoned Russian Polar Nuclear Lighthouses | English Russia
junegunn/fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
It's amazing what mods can do to a game. : gaming
Goodbye Replication Lag! | MariaDB
nmap-nse-scripts/smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse at master · cldrn/nmap-nse-scripts
MS17-010 ETERNALBLUE reverse engineered and fully ported to Metasploit Framework : netsec
minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings: The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
Moi ministre du numérique, par Benjamin Bayart: reprendre tout dans le bon sens | Slate.fr
My own r/unixporn
bitnami/kube-manifests: A collection of misc Kubernetes configs for various jobs, as used in Bitnami's production clusters.
yanc0/beeping: HTTP Monitoring via API - Measure the performance of you servers
(145) The Last Light Before Eternal Darkness – White Dwarfs & Black Dwarfs - YouTube
(145) The Last Light Before Eternal Darkness – White Dwarfs & Black Dwarfs - YouTube
OSXCollector: Walkthrough
GitHub - atech/postal at stackshare
Request: Auto Scroll to top on new tweets · Issue #8 · baedert/corebird
La drole d'humeur de Pierre-Emmanuel Barré sur le second tour
Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build - Codefresh
IAM Policies and Bucket Policies and ACLs! Oh, My! (Controlling Access to S3 Resources) | AWS Security Blog
Containers, Docker, and Kubernetes Part 3 // Collective Idea | Crafting web and mobile software based in Holland, Michigan
Kernel explained | Consolia Comics
The real reason why UNIX commands are short - good coders code, great coders reuse
TwitterFollowBot/README.md at master · rhiever/TwitterFollowBot · GitHub
(330) My Survival Kit / Outdoor Gear (2015) - YouTube
Immersion au "Canard Enchaîné", le journal "poil à gratter" | Euronews
Haute-Savoie | Faut “y” dire comme ça !
Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It? - YouTube
Ça ressemble à quoi un meeting de François Fillon ? - YouTube
Usage of the Cassandra tool cassandra-stress - Stack Overflow
michalmalik/linux-re-101: A collection of resources for linux reverse engineering
Crypt0s/FakeDns: A regular-expression based python MITM DNS server with support for DNS Rebinding attacks
Beep Beep I'm a Sheep (feat. TomSka & BlackGryph0n) | asdfmovie10 song | LilDeuceDeuce - YouTube
Richard Browning is a real-life Iron Man - with his own flying suit | WIRED - YouTube
Réformons l'élection présidentielle ! — Science étonnante #35 - YouTube
"Fais voir ton téléphone ou je t'allume" : peut-on filmer la police ? - 8 février 2017 - L'Obs
Audition de Idriss ABERKANE (chercheur, Ambassadeur de l'Unitwin/unesco) - cese - vidéo Dailymotion
Super-Souris — Wikipédia
CoreOS Tectonic 1.5.5 Now Ships with Highly Available Clusters by Default and Extends Installer
When Will It End - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts - YouTube
This Packing Trick Will Fit Your Whole Life Into One Suitcase | The Huffington Post
Maxwell the Demon - 01 "Entropy for Kidz" - YouTube
Top hacker shows us how it's done | Pablos Holman | TEDxMidwest - YouTube
Samorost 3
Grace Hopper explains a nanosecond with a visual aid | FlowingData
happy world poetry day <3 http://webcomicname.com/post/158669010324
RIPS – Finding vulnerabilities in PHP application
Apache Mesos - Maintenance Primitives
NGINX Fastcgi_cache : Une solution de cache simple et efficace pour vos applications PHP
StackExchange/dnscontrol: Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL
De Sivan 2 à M 31 - L'image d'astronomie du jour - APOD
Medicat - Une distrib Linux / Windows 10 pour dépanner vos ordinateurs - Korben
GitHub - cytopia/ffscreencast: [bash] ffmpeg screencast with video overlay and multi monitor support
GitHub - mhausenblas/burry.sh: Cloud Native Infrastructure BackUp & RecoveRY
Le barrage Hoover : le seul endroit sur Terre où l'eau ne coule pas vers le bas, mais vers le haut… (vidéo)
Ode To My Family
A Statue of a Defiant Girl Now Confronts the Famous ‘Charging Bull’ on Wall St. | Colossal
Les Découvertes Archéologiques: Arroyo Seco: étude d'un campement pré-Clovis en Argentine
git - Add all non-controlled files? - Stack Overflow
Sous-locations abusives sur Airbnb: le juge donne raison au locataire
Recherchez des vols, hôtels & voitures de location sur VoyagesPirates
Getting disconnected from OpenVPN server each hour - Server Fault
catap/namebench: Open-source DNS Benchmark Utility
amoffat/sh: Python process launching
Quel smartphone choisir en 2017 ?
Voici quelques incroyables cartes et infographies du XIXe siècle | Slate.fr
L’étonnante origine du mot Bluetooth
Lenovo est de retour avec de nouveaux ThinkPad
google/glazier: A tool for automating the installation of the Microsoft Windows operating system on various device platforms.
dotGo 2016 - Kelsey Hightower - Self Deploying Go Applications - YouTube
myano/jenni: jenni is a python IRC bot maintained and developed by Michael Yanovich. This project was created by Sean B. Palmer.
Stunning Animated GIFs of the Sun on Earth – Fubiz Media
google/keytransparency: A transparent and secure way to look up public keys.
Google Online Security Blog: Security Through Transparency
Have Reddit Users Discovered the Perfect Exercise Regimen? | Motherboard
paulgclark/waveconverter: An Open Source tool for RF reverse engineering.
kubernetes-incubator/kargo: Setup a kubernetes cluster
A History of DataViz – info we trust.
Testez les attaques MitM dans votre réseau avec Morpheus (2/3) - Homputer Security
Diesel cars produce more toxic emissions than trucks and buses, EU study says - The Verge
Japon : une I.A. remplace 34 employés d’une assurance
GitHub - buger/goreplay: GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes.
GitHub - giltene/wrk2: A constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk
Blanc-manger Coco - Blanc-manger Coco - Le jeu
HexGL by BKcore
unixsurfer/haproxystats: A HAProxy statistics collection program
Make Animated Screenshot Gifs Using Gifine for Linux - OMG! Ubuntu!
Debloat Windows 10 script collection - gHacks Tech News
Kafka 0.9 Configuration Best Practices - Hortonworks
Decent Security
Viralmaniar/Wifi-Dumper: This is an open source tool to dump the wifi profiles and cleartext passwords of the connected access points on the Windows machine. This tool will help you in a Wifi testing. Furthermore, it is useful while performing red team or an internal infrastructure engagements.
Security | DMA | Hacking: macOS FileVault2 Password Retrieval
docker/containerd: An open and reliable container runtime, by Docker
taykey/python-kafka-logging: Simple python logging handler for forwarding logs to a kafka server
adtac/climate: The ultimate command line tool for Linux developers! Provides a huge number of tools for developers to automate their system.
flume log finder and config generator
Angristan/OpenVPN-install: Improved OpenVPN installer for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Arch Linux
sysown/proxysql: High-performance MySQL proxy with a GPL license.
At least 10 million Android users imperiled by popular AirDroid app | Ars Technica
gchq/CyberChef: The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
nvbn/thefuck: Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
AnsibleShipyard/ansible-mesos: Mesos Playbook for Ansible
AnsibleShipyard/ansible-chronos: Ansible Chronos Playbook
AnsibleShipyard/ansible-marathon: Ansible Marathon Playbook
Tab Hibernate - Chrome Web Store
xdavidhu/mitmAP: A python program, to create a fake AP, and sniff data.
Everyone Should Probably Read This Cop Privacy Guide | Motherboard
docker-containers/chronos at master · mesosphere/docker-containers
mesos/mr-redis: Redis on Apache Mesos
Apache Mesos - Software Projects Built on Mesos
Apache Mesos - Mesos Containerizer
Apache Mesos - Upgrading Mesos
Apache Mesos - Configuration
Apache Mesos - Documentation Home
jvm - Run Java app on Mesos without Docker - Stack Overflow
mesos - Marathon vs Aurora and their purposes - Stack Overflow
I Play CSGO with One Hand : GlobalOffensive
Signal’s protocol gets glowing reviews in first security audit
GRAMFEL by NHOJ - download 3D model - Sketchfab
JonnyHightower/neet: Neet - Network Enumeration and Exploitation Tool
gaubert/gmvault: gmail backup software
VIDÉO. Toutes les techniques de Nicolas Sarkozy pour esquiver les questions gênantes | Slate.fr
Kubernetes Networking
Compare Kubernetes vs Mesos | Platform9
Apache Mesos - Architecture
ClusterHQ/mesos-module-flocker: Mesos isolator for Flocker volumes
Windows Tweaker: disorganized but powerful - gHacks Tech News
Mexique. Las Morras : le collectif féministe qui lutte en vidéo contre le harcèlement de rue | Courrier international
Arêtes de poisson — Wikipédia
France 3 Alpes - Emission spéciale de Chroniques d'en haut: Lyon, horizons insolites
Piste de la Sarra — Wikipédia
Kery James - Constat Amer (clip) - YouTube
Daler Mehndi - Tunak Tunak Tun Video - YouTube
ShutUp10 update with Lockscreen tweaks - gHacks Tech News
dynup/kpatch: kpatch - dynamic kernel patching
Docker in Production: A History of Failure – The HFT Guy
Teleconsole | StackShare
What comes after ‘iptables’? It’s successor, of course: `nftables` – Red Hat Developer Blog
Fantastical Landscapes in Slovenia – Fubiz Media
samdroid-apps/something-for-reddit: A Reddit Client For GNOME (with Gtk+ and Python)
Battlefield: Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network | Arthur Chunqi Li's Blog
Avoir mauvais caractère, la clef du succès? | Slate.fr
attic-labs/noms: The versioned, forkable, syncable database
Android phones rooted by “most serious” Linux escalation bug ever | Ars Technica
Commande - le petit vapoteur
Inside the Linux Kernel
comment aiguiser son couteau, Fallkniven DC4 - YouTube
Cv9uz2NnPYVNioE3USNWYDg9X.png (1143×603)
bitly/oauth2_proxy: A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Github or other provider
Releases · kubernetes/kubernetes
gnome3 - How to change the titlebar height in standard GTK apps and those with headerbars/CSDs on Gnome 3.20 - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Which is the best blocklist for Transmission? | GiulioMac
ASUS ROG STRIX-GTX1070-8G-GAMING - GeForce GTX 1070 (90YV09N2-M0NA00) : achat / vente Carte graphique sur ldlc.com
DracOS - Lightweight and Powerful Penetration Testing OS
Privés de savoir ? #DATAGUEULE 63 - YouTube
arkenio/gogeta: Reverse proxy based on etcd hierarchy
The Best Free Password Manager | bitwarden
guyzmo/git-repo: Git-Repo: CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace
Fakenet: monitor network traffic of programs - gHacks Tech News
Fuck You Startup World – Medium
Watch Charlie Rose Interview a Robot | Motherboard
How to monitor Elasticsearch performance
MariaDB MaxScale | MariaDB
Storage | Prometheus
appbaseio/mirage: 🔎 GUI for writing Elasticsearch queries
openLTE download | SourceForge.net
paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet: Display system informations in gnome shell status bar, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates…
La liste de mes extensions atm (part 1)
uProxy: personal browser proxy for Firefox and Chrome - gHacks Tech News
Explorer la comète de Rosetta - L'image d'astronomie du jour - APOD
profilehooks/README.rst at master · mgedmin/profilehooks
Optimiser Linux pour améliorer la vitesse et l'autonomie
L'Increvable : un lave-linge créé pour durer 50 ans
Petite histoire de la cryptographie: de Jules César à l’ordinateur quantique | FrenchWeb.fr
Coil Master V2 - le petit vapoteur
Cassandra on Mesos Across Multiple Datacenters at Uber (Abhishek Verm…
Etcher Image Writer Is Now Better Than Ever - OMG! Ubuntu!
Typical misconceptions on Galera for MySQL
s3rvac/weechat-notify-send: A WeeChat plugin that sends highlight and message notifications through notify-send.
rawdigits/wee-slack: A WeeChat plugin for Slack.com. Synchronizes read markers, provides typing notification, search, etc..
junyanz/iGAN: iGAN: a deep learning software that easily generates images with a few brushstrokes (from UC Berkeley and Adobe CTL)
reorx/httpstat: curl statistics made simple
Comment cuire un magret de canard ? - 750 Grammes - YouTube
Kerberos.io - Video Surveillance
christabor/flask_jsondash: Build javascript chart dashboards without any front-end code. Uses any json endpoint. JSON config only. Ready to go.
Monitorama PDX 2016 - Brian Brazil - Prometheus on Vimeo
GitHub - kimchi-project/kimchi: An HTML5 management interface for KVM
3 Tools to Check and Test USB Flash Drive • Raymond.CC
KyPass Companion – Kyuran
Jean-Paul Ney, la fachosphère et Twitter… : Reflets
Watch the 13-Year-Old MMO 'PlanetSide' Die in a Meteor Shower | Motherboard
Dernier train pour Busan - film 2016 - AlloCiné
51 Interview Questions To Ask In An Interview | The Muse
Scalable and secure access with SSH | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
GitHub - movim/movim: Movim - Kickass Social Network
prometheus/client_python: Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
Stealing login credentials from a locked PC or Mac just got easier | Ars Technica
Apache Cassandra multi-datacenter essentials
The modern nomad
pci dss - Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants? - Server Fault
Dealing with a corrupt SSTable in Cassandra - GoSquared Engineering
facebook/zstd: Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
How Your Wi-Fi Signal Can Expose Everything You Type | The Daily Dot
NVIDIA Reveals ‘Vault 1080’ Fallout 4 Mod Packed with Next-Gen GameWorks Tech | GeForce
Bash to Python Converter | zwischenzugs
Xiaomi's robot vacuum sucks more than its peers
Reset Admin pass · Issue #1815 · grafana/grafana
Hands on: Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus
GitHub - pstadler/keybase-gpg-github: Step-by-step guide on how to create a GPG key on keybase.io, adding it to a local GPG setup and use it with Git and GitHub.
GitHub - onotelli/justniffer: Justniffer Just A Network TCP Packet Sniffer .Justniffer is a network protocol analyzer that captures network traffic and produces logs in a customized way, can emulate Apache web server log files, track response times and extract all "intercepted" files from the HTTP traffic
We’ll Bet You Didn’t Know Marijuana Looks This Beautiful Up Close [Photos]
Cockburn Law and Edin's Hall broch, Abbey St Bathans (Walkhighlands)
Pentland Hills and West Lothian walks (Walkhighlands)
Wikiloc - itinéraire Inchcailoch. Loch Lomond&The Trossachs National Park. Escocia - Balmaha, Scotland (United Kingdom)- GPS track
Les meilleurs itinéraires randonnée en Ecosse (Royaume-Uni) : Wikiloc
Après le bashing, une ex de Yahoo défend Marissa Mayer - Rue89 - L'Obs
Francesco149/sharenix: A ShareX clone for Linux coded in Go.
ShareX - Take screenshots or screencasts, annotate, upload and share URL in clipboard
Unicode smileys emoticons emoji
SSH Blamer
A Real-Life Batman Exists, And He’s Stepping Up To Fight Crime In Russia [Watch]
docs/exporters.md at master · prometheus/docs
iptables-exporter 0.3.1 : Python Package Index
Defendant Rick and Judge Morty - YouTube
Brexit, Briefly - YouTube
How To Create a High Availability Setup with Corosync, Pacemaker, and Floating IPs on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
Multitail - Epilis - Blog
barnybug/cli53: Command line tool for Amazon Route 53
Chemin de Saint-Jean, 38114 Allemont, France à Unnamed Road, 38114 Allemont, France - Google Maps
rage311/ocss: OwnCloud Screenshot Sharing
Photographs of a Microburst Rising Over Phoenix Appear Just Like a Mushroom Cloud | Colossal
How to setup a Docker Monitoring Prometheus stack | We designed a simple tutorial on how to easily get up and running with Prometheus and start monitoring your Docker Host and containers. BrianChristner.io
Imgur-Screenshot Is a Nifty Screengrab and Upload Tool for Linux - OMG! Ubuntu!
Arvin-X/swarm: A distributed penetration testing tool.
A beginners guide to thinking in SQL 🐘
My First 10 Seconds On A Server – JGamblin.com
The beginners guide to Infrastructure Automation — Medium
ipv d3 une box mod de 80W avec contrôle de température.
Aromamizer V-RDA
aromamizer vrda - YouTube
The Life of a Serverless Microservice on AWS
Implementing a full Python Unix-style daemon process - Stack Overflow
Why we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack
Woman Claims Her Lung Cancer Was Cured By Cannabis Oil
How To Generate Javadoc Style Documentation For Python – Danish Mujeeb
How To Configure Bind as a Caching or Forwarding DNS Server on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
digitalocean/netbox: IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
Site Reliability Engineering - O'Reilly Media
Python Quick Tip: Simple ThreadPool Parallelism | Codementor
Web application name to backend mapping in HAProxy | HAProxy Technologies – Aloha Load Balancer
Understanding Nginx Server and Location Block Selection Algorithms | DigitalOcean
Darknet : enquête sur l'hypermarché virtuel de la drogue - YouTube
Actualité > L'énigmatique planète X est-elle à l'origine des extinctions massives ?
35 Surreal Illustrations That Will Make You Question The ‘Normalcy’ Of Society | True Activist
Should all locks have keys? Phones, Castles, Encryption, and You. - YouTube
Flashback: Declassified 1970 DOD cybersecurity document still relevant | Ars Technica
Start-ups: comment la bourgeoisie française a rattrapé la transition numérique | Slate.fr
A Scientist Explains Why Your Cat Is So Weird | IFLScience
PlantNet, le Shazam de la botanique
Il a travaillé 9 ans avec Manuel Valls, et balance tout ! - YouTube
État d'urgence : plus c'est long, moins c'est bon #DATAGUEULE 58 - YouTube
Rapping, deconstructed: The best rhymers of all time - YouTube
Networking @Scale, May 2016 — Recap | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook
Stop Exploiting LGBT Issues to Demonize Islam and Justify Anti-Muslim Policies
Vu d’Inde. Le Brexit ? Une opportunité pour New Delhi | Courrier international
all mine!: Migrating to Nextcloud 9
networking - How can I capture network traffic of a single process? - Ask Ubuntu
Gérer les bastions avec Ansible | WeScale Blog
bash - How to simulate the environment cron executes a script with? - Stack Overflow
gauntlt/gauntlt: a ruggedization framework that embodies the principle "be mean to your code"
Black Box Network Penetration Testing Walkthrough - InfoSec Resources
Cryptomator: Free Cloud Encryption for Dropbox & Others
omkafka: write to Apache Kafka — rsyslog 8.18.0 documentation
rsyslog write $programname as kafka topic - Stack Overflow
Location Voiture Lyon entre Particuliers - Drivy
edenhill/kafkacat: Generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer
How TrueCar Uses Kafka for High Volume Logging Part 2
omkafka/00-omkafka.conf at master · tcnksm-sample/omkafka
Tu mourras moins bête: Lundi, ben lundi quoi.
bashttpd/bashttpd at master · avleen/bashttpd
BYVoid/Batsh: A language that compiles to Bash and Windows Batch
Webapp Blue-Green Deployment Without Breaking Sessions/With Fallback With HAProxy « The Holy Java
tombh/texttop: A fully interactive X Linux desktop rendered in TTY and streamable over SSH
tcpcloud/python-aptly: Aptly REST API Python client and useful tooling
Ferris Wheel Coil Box Youde
How to install Graphite as a user on CentOS 5.5
Kung fu particles | FlowingData
Never/zero thinking | Humanistic Systems
2016 Hard Drive Review: Testing 61,590 Hard Drives
This Cybernetic Lifeform Is Powered by Plant Intelligence | Motherboard
bharadwaj-raju/WeatherDesk: Change the wallpaper based on the weather
Kendrick Lamar remixed with 'Rick and Morty' is your new go-to party song
twitter/distributedlog: A high performance replicated log service.
Surreal Monochromatic GIFs by Carl Burton | Colossal
v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon: This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks.
Facebook Open Sources its Capture the Flag (CTF) Platform
Lyon à Milan par Train, Bus, Voiture, Avion
chassing/linux-sysadmin-interview-questions: Collection of linux sysadmin/devop interview questions
farrokhi/dnsdiag: DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools
Linux Tuning
Linux Network Tuning for 2013 — Nate Wiger
PhotoRec FR - CGSecurity
TestDisk FR - CGSecurity
Loading style.css and Jquery using HTTPS - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
[Ubuntu 15.04] Bluetooth not working out of the box · Issue #1 · advancingu/XPS13Linux
NEXUS 5 64Gb - Pg. 2 | Google Nexus 5
How Twitter Handles 3,000 Images Per Second - High Scalability -
Panama Papers - How Hackers Breached the Mossack Fonseca Firm - InfoSec Resources
Kali Reporting Tools - InfoSec Resources
System Design Cheatsheet · GitHub
How I Hacked Facebook, and Found Someone's Backdoor Script | DEVCORE 戴夫寇爾
bslatkin/dpxdt: Make continuous deployment safe by comparing before and after webpage screenshots for each release. Depicted shows when any visual, perceptual differences are found. This is the ultimate, automated end-to-end test.
Récupérer des adresses emails via les moteurs de recherche - Korben
Emmanuelle Duez - Positive Economy Forum - Le Havre 2015 - Français - YouTube
Loi de Dolbear — Wikipédia
napalm-automation/napalm: Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support
How We Monitor and Run Kafka At Scale
De-Selfing Series by Hsin Wang http://www.fubiz.net/2016/04/15/de-selfing-series-by-hsin-wang/
Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest - The New York Times
Growing up with MySQL
Why STAR WARS The Force Awakens is a Massive Disappointment - YouTube
centos7 - Recovering from a rm -rf / - Server Fault
Frais de taxi: Agnès Saal écope d'une amende de 4500 euros
yakyak/yakyak: Desktop chat client for Google Hangouts
Tim Urban: Dans la tête d'un expert en procrastination | TED Talk | TED.com
WhatsApp généralise le chiffrement de son application http://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2016/04/05/whatsapp-generalise-le-chiffrement-de-son-application_4896458_4408996.html#xtor=RSS-3208
Rover's-Eye View of Marathon on Mars - YouTube
firehol/netdata: Real-time performance monitoring, done right!
gianlucaborello/cassandradump: A data exporting tool for Cassandra inspired from mysqldump, with some additional slice and dice capabilities
Un Drone quadricopter avec un Raspberry Pi 2 et Navio+ | Framboise 314, le Raspberry Pi à la sauce française….
Microsoft and Canonical partner to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10 | ZDNet
19 Stunning Photos Of Nuns Who Grow Weed To Heal The World
Myrica rubra — Wikipédia
The Leap Year as Explained by Neil deGrasse Tyson - YouTube
Glass: An Oscar-Winning Documentary Short on Dutch Glassblowing from 1958 | Colossal
#HITB2012KUL D1T3 - The Grugq - OPSEC: Because Jail is for wuftpd - YouTube
Gym Battle VS Turkey [1 Hour Version] [HD] - YouTube
citusdata/citus: Scalable PostgreSQL
Mind-Blowing Magic Magnets - Smarter Every Day 153 - YouTube
Terrorisme : raconter l’émotion, jusqu’à l’écœurement, pour ne pas parler du fond : Reflets
Testing Ansible Roles with Docker
New Features in GNOME 3.20
SMTP STS : un nouveau protocole de chiffrement des mails à l’étude - ZDNet
Les artisans de la vape
Wox: Windows launcher with Everything support - gHacks Tech News
linagora/hublin: An easy and free video conference service #webrtc
Saint Valentin by C.L.I.T
Recipe: rsyslog + Kafka + Logstash - DZone Integration
TEST. Quel «boubour» (bourgeois-bourrin) êtes-vous? | Slate.fr
SnailDriver: update drivers on Windows - gHacks Tech News
How to Send an Email in 1984 | Motherboard
Violences policières : un rapport dénonce un risque d’impunité des forces de l’ordre
alexey-sveshnikov/ansible-aptly-role: Ansible role for Aptly
Décès de Ray Tomlinson, l'inventeur de l’e-mail et du @ - ZDNet
Metric graphs 101: Timeseries graphs - Datadog
Move Cassandra 2.1 to G1 garbage collector — Medium
10 things to avoid in docker containers – Red Hat Developer Blog
Laser propulsion system could get us to Mars 'in three days' (Wired UK)
Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory - The New York Times
GitHub - subuser-security/subuser: Run programs on linux with selectively restricted permissions.
Taifun GT II Air
« Soyons Sport », un court-métrage avec Alexandre Astier
Petite Discussion Entre Razy #HYPERSEXUALISATION
Logging — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
Good logging practice in Python « Victor Lin's coding notes
rsyslog Configuration Builder
Watch the Championship Round of Japanese Hobby Robot Wrestling | Motherboard
jlund/streisand: Streisand sets up a new server running L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, and a Tor bridge. It also generates custom configuration instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
Reaction video
Uptime Robot
Playlist. Les mots du rap français | Courrier international
Inégalités - Ce que vous ne saviez pas que vous ne saviez pas
Formatting | Slack
Clearomiseur Cleito
Cisco's Tactical Operations Group Brings the Internet When No One Else Can | Motherboard
Why Switzerland? - ProtonMail Blog
Parse, Docs & Updates - Codename One
The Music a World-Class DJ Uses to Fall Asleep | The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
kelseyhightower/conf2kube: conf2kube can read and create Kubernetes secrets based on the contents of configuration files.
No One Is Sure Why This Happens When You Crack Your Knuckles | Motherboard
Une astuce révolutionnaire pour apprendre TOUTES les tables de multiplication
ids - New to ossec - what does active response do out of the box - Information Security Stack Exchange
Top 7 Free Video Converters for Linux to convert videos on GNU Linux (Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Fedora)-TechApple - Communicating Technology In an Easy Way
Netboot.xyz – Pour booter directement sur Internet «
Smuxi - IRC Client
Notes from Production Engineering - YouTube
antelle/keeweb - client alternatif à keepass2
Comment j’ai étendu les capacités de mon cerveau | ploum.net
How to add or remove startup apps in Windows 10
10 MySQL settings to tune after installation
Bug fixed... should be ok now... no, wait - DevOps Reactions
Stremio - Watch instantly
Luc Didry / lufi | GitLab
Tous les Finlandais vont bientôt toucher 800€/mois…sans rien faire !
Python requests ImportError: cannot import name HeaderParsingError - Stack Overflow
C* Summit 2013: How Not to Use Cassandra by Axel Liljencrantz
Two Factor Authentication With Node.js and Yubikey
Mozilla pourrait laisser tomber Thunderbird… Ah, cela existait encore? | UnSimpleClic
SURICATE - Les Dissociés - YouTube
Photography of North Korea – Fubiz Media
Dishonored Badass Stealth High Chaos (Daud's Cleaning)1080p60Fps - YouTube
Attentats de Paris : quel est le piège que nous tend Daesh ? - Blabla #14 - Osons Causer - YouTube
FALLOUT 4 BATTLE #8 - 10,000 Ghoul VS. 100 Super Mutants : gaming
Sabayon — Wikipédia
Radicalisation islamiste : comment confondre Allah avec un Sheitan de type IV : Reflets
Dalai Lama: Religion Without Quantum Physics Is an Incomplete Picture of Reality | Motherboard
debian - How to mount a disk from destroyed raid system? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Rendering a python dict in Jinja2 / Werkzeug - Stack Overflow
There's a Dark Web GitHub For Controversial Code | Motherboard
Du cyber contre la kalach ? : Reflets
ipv d2 une box mod de 75W avec contrôle de température.
Résistance OCC Subtank V2 - le petit vapoteur
Subtank Plus Kangertech - le petit vapoteur
ACCU SAMSUNG INR 18650 25R 2500 mAh - le petit vapoteur
La E-Cigarette : comprendre le succès du vapotage hackable et DiY : Reflets
François Hollande rencontre Le Roi Arthur de Kaamelott | Le Journal du Buzz
dockercraft/README.md at master · docker/dockercraft
'Littlebits' 'Arduino' knife-wielding tentacle - YouTube
Ringelmann Effect vs. Agile - Yegor Bugayenko
A 360 Degree View of the Entire Netflix Stack - High Scalability -
Fallout 4 Map | Interactive Map of Fallout 4 Locations
LineFORM sur Vimeo
Monsanto Stunned - California Confirms 'Roundup' Will Be Labeled "Cancer Causing"
Climat : le thermomètre et le philosophe - Spécial 2° avant la fin du monde - YouTube
CONF@42 - Docker - MeetUp #25 - vidéo Dailymotion
CONF@42 - Docker - MeetUp #25 - vidéo Dailymotion
Zuckerberg: Free, Limited Internet Is Better than Net Neutrality and No Internet | Motherboard
systemd unit file basics - Fedora Magazine
La Gestion de Produit Agile en deux mots - YouTube
coderwall.com : establishing geek cred since 1305712800
Exploit Nginx access log with rsyslog,logstash,elasticSearch and Kibana — Medium
2015 National Geographic Contest – Fubiz Media
http2/h2i at master · bradfitz/http2
Infrastructure Security: How Hard Could it Be, Right? // Speaker Deck
Vous pensiez que votre AD était robuste, vraiment ?
linux - Is it possible to detach a process from its terminal? (Or, "I should have used screen!") - Server Fault
Le Salaire à Vie (Bernard Friot) - YouTube
Easier buffer switching - Vim Tips Wiki
TricTrac - Splendor de Marc André - Présentation
Enpass Password Manager review - gHacks Tech News
Cassandra / Read & Writes // Speaker Deck
Est-il encore nécessaire de manger ? | ploum.net
10 Free and Feature-Packed Gallery Plugins for WordPress - WPMU DEV
Demo: Mesos Running a Single Cluster of Linux and Windows Machines - The New Stack
RaiderSec: How Browsers Store Your Passwords (and Why You Shouldn't Let Them)
ScudCloud: Unofficial Slack Client For Linux ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
The website is unknown - How DNS works
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Watch Atlas the humanoid robot go for a woodland ramble (Wired UK)
DevOps Risk Mitigation: Test Driven Infrastructure - YouTube
▶ 10 Things You Didn't Know About Orgasm | Mary Roach | TED Talks - YouTube
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L’Assemblée nationale du XXIe siècle - Rue89 - L'Obs
Israël a un problème avec les crimes de haine juifs | Slate.fr
Convince apt-get *not* to use IPv6 method - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
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Le Lac de Taney — Randos-MontBlanc
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How a Car Works | Learn all about how cars work
InfluxDB 0.9.1 And Telegraf 0.1.2 Released With New Documentation | InfluxDB
North Korean Scientist Defects; Will Testify On Human Experimentation | IFLScience
Load Balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus, Part 2 | NGINX
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ConEmu – console, which saved me from moving from Windows
How IKEA Patched Shellshock - Slashdot
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▶ A Tip from Illumiseen: How to Prevent Running Shoe Blisters With a “Heel Lock” or “Lace Lock” - YouTube
influxdb/telegraf · GitHub
Les alternatives à Collectd - Wooster
reimann/riemann.config.guide at master · jdmaturen/reimann
Clojure — Wikipédia
Do-it-yourself CloudWatch-style alarms using Riemann | Cloudier Than Thou
A Flight Above the Mysterious Land of Jordan – Fubiz™
How Beats Tricks You Into Thinking It Makes a Premium Product
How to receive a million packets per second
Arc Is a Gorgeous GTK Theme for Linux Desktops - OMG! Ubuntu!
Google Soli finger control technology - Business Insider
How To Install and Configure Kubernetes on top of a CoreOS Cluster | DigitalOcean
An Introduction to Kubernetes | DigitalOcean
Accélérez le chargement des pages dans Firefox - Korben
Let’s build a modern Hadoop — Pachyderm Data — Medium
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You’ve Been Drinking Coffee Wrong This Whole Time | IFLScience
Convert Any Server to a Docker Container | zwischenzugs
How MySQL is able to scale to 200 Million QPS - MySQL Cluster - High Scalability -
Composite: Adams' Synchronological Chart. - David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
apache - Hadoop 2.2.0 ResourceManager fails to bind to port 8088 - Stack Overflow
Experfy InsightsCloudera vs Hortonworks vs MapR: Comparing Hadoop Distributions - Experfy Insights
E-cigarettes alter lungs 'at cellular level' (Wired UK)
L'histoire de l'humanité résumée en une superbe infographie de 1931 | Slate.fr
Nimbus Screen Capture - editable screenshots :: Modules pour Firefox
Turning the database inside-out with Apache Samza | Confluent
En vidéo. Femmes fatales : les gardes du corps d'élite chinoise | Courrier international
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How to Deploy Galera Cluster for MySQL using Docker Containers | Severalnines
Création d'un cluster MySQL haute disponibilité - D'ici et d'ailleurs
How To Configure a Galera Cluster with MariaDB on Ubuntu 12.04 Servers | DigitalOcean
Stouts/Stouts.openvpn · GitHub
yify-pop/yify-pop · GitHub
Latest Intel Linux Graphics Drivers Now Available for Ubuntu 14.10 - OMG! Ubuntu!
Palinopsia – Quand votre carte graphique trahit vos secrets http://korben.info/palinopsia.html
backup - Mount single partition from image of entire disk (device) - Ask Ubuntu
HAProxy 1.6-dev1 and LUA | HAProxy Technologies – Aloha Load Balancer
How To Implement Replication Sets in MongoDB on an Ubuntu VPS | DigitalOcean
DevOps Is Bullshit: Why One Programmer Doesn’t Do It Anymore | jjmojojjmojo: In Effect
CIA Has Been Hacking iPhone and iPad Encryption Security Since 2006 - Hacker News
Penetrate - Le crack wifi sur Android - Korben
Tomates sans eau ni pesticide : cette méthode fascine les biologistes - Rue89 - L'Obs
Writing Libraries in Chef Cookbooks | Chef Blog
Dynamically update attribute of a Chef resource during converge phase (Node variable assignment in Compile vs Converge)
BATCH.com : le nouveau projet du fondateur d'AppGratis.com
Docker on Mesos · Mesosphere
hashicorp/consul-template · GitHub
Augmentez l'autonomie de votre batterie sous GNU/Linux avec TLP | Angristan
ownCloud & Elasticsearch Integration | /dev/random
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Monitor network traffic of Windows processes with Socket Sniff - gHacks Tech News
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▶ Docker 101: Dockerizing Your Infrastructure - YouTube
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Loadbalancing PostgreSQL with HAProxy on Vimeo
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▶ Scaling Redis at Twitter - YouTube
DroidStealth — Android Encryption Tool with Stealth Capabilities - Hacker News
▶ Kerbal Space Program - Tutorial For Beginners - Part 8 - Installing Mods, Advanced Rocket Design - YouTube
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How Spotify Scales Apache Storm | Spotify Labs
Load-balancing Websockets on EC2 — Medium
Comment les chiottes d’Internet ont perdu leur administrateur historique | Slate.fr
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Programmer Personality Test - Doolwind
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Y++ for Firefox turns YouTube into an endless stream of video - gHacks Tech News
Comment savoir si votre entreprise est DevOps | CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
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enaqx/awesome-pentest · GitHub
Turn files into pdf documents automatically with HotFolder - gHacks Tech News
12 Zodiac Signs Reborn As Terrifying Monsters By Damon Hellandbrand | Bored Panda
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National Geographic Photo Contest 2014 Winners – Fubiz™
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How To Make A Mini Rocketship With A Match And Some Tinfoil | IFLScience
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Les sept habitudes des gens qui réussissent - L'Express
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Scan de votre système Unix avec Lynis | Application (Linux) | IT-Connect
Histoire de side projects | CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
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The Internet 20 Years Ago, As Seen on VHS | Motherboard
Create and distribute Firefox customizations as an extension or autoconfig file - gHacks Tech News
Developing Robust Deployment Procedures ◆ 24 ways
Le pipi dans tous ses états | ARTE Future
Use a load-balancer as a first row of defense against DDOS | HAProxy Technologies – Aloha Load Balancer
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How can I remove 'git commit' after 'git push' - Stack Overflow
Practical Shellshock Exploitation – Part 2 - InfoSec Institute
Practical Shellshock Exploitation – Part 1 - InfoSec Institute
Medef : Pierre Gattaz veut pouvoir licencier sans justification - Challenges
Checklist de sécurité | CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
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Les pirates suivent l'actualité littéraire: la preuve avec Modiano, multi-téléchargé | Slate.fr
Vidéo > La Popup House : une maison passive montée en quatre jours
Senior in action - DevOps Reactions
▶ Is War Over? — A Paradox Explained - YouTube
▶ How Do You Define Yourself Lizzie Velasquez (vostfr) - Vidéo Dailymotion
HAProxy and sslv3 poodle vulnerability | HAProxy Technologies – Aloha Load Balancer
Spotify engineering culture (part 2) | Spotify Labs
Spotify engineering culture (part 1) | Spotify Labs
▶ CloudStack 4.3 Demo in 12 Minutes - YouTube
Wifite Walkthrough part 1 - InfoSec Institute
*args and **kwargs in python explained | Bite Sized Python Tips
Collectors · BrightcoveOS/Diamond Wiki
Plus de cent eurodéputés ont des activités rémunérées en plus de leur mandat d'élu - Page 1 | Mediapart
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Gestion du réseau sous Linux avec iproute2 | Commandes de bases | IT-Connect
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Arc-en-ciel complet sur l'Australie - L'image d'astronomie du jour - APOD
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Ceci est la plus vieille étoile (connue) dans tout l'Univers | Slate.fr
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Valgrind — Wikipédia
Nmap Cheat Sheet: Part 4 - InfoSec Institute
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Internet, cet outil de terreur : Reflets
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Tools to optimize the Memory Usage of Firefox and Chrome - gHacks Tech News
HAProxy Is Still An Arrow in the Quiver for Those Scaling Apps | The New Stack
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AnyDesk: remote desktop software by ex-TeamViewer employees - gHacks Tech News
Rufus - Comment faire une clé USB bootable facilement « Korben
Netflix met sur GitHub 2 outils pour surveiller le web - Le Monde Informatique
Websync - Un gestionnaire pour gérer vos tâches Rsync « Korben
Dynamiter une clause de non-concurrence? C'est possible! - L'Express
Facebook, the security company | Ars Technica
Personal Interest Dashboard could improve Firefox's History significantly - gHacks Tech News
Gnome Shell - Dark Shine by satya164 on deviantART
Comment empêcher Google de savoir ce que vous téléchargez avec Firefox ? « Korben
statsd/graphite.md at master · etsy/statsd
Monitoring at scale - Intuitive dashboard design
GEGeek Tech Toolkit is a portable software collection for Windows - gHacks Tech News
Installing Node.js via package manager · joyent/node Wiki · GitHub
Aaron Swartz - The Internet's Own Boy en français « Korben
SpamExperts/pyzor · GitHub
Nmap Cheat Sheet: From Discovery to Exploits, Part 3: Gathering Additional Information about Host and Network - InfoSec Institute
philipl/pifs · GitHub
Ukrainians turn to crowdfunding for border surveillance drone | Ars Technica
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Netflix open sources its Amazon cloud security enforcer | Network World
opsweekly/screenshots/README.md at master · etsy/opsweekly
Le mini rouston de Zotac testé par les écolos - Le comptoir du hardware
How a password changed my life. — Medium
Mind-Boggling Geometric GIFs Made With Processing | The Creators Project
Sean-Der/fail2web · GitHub
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Monitoring Open Source pour Java avec JmxTrans, Graphite et Nagios - …
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REPÈRES • Les nanotechnologies en brèves | Courrier international
Feedly refuses to give in to blackmail, gets hit by DDoS attack
Journalisation, logs Nginx avec ELK via Syslog - Wooster
Maison sans chauffage : c'est possible ! - CôtéMaison.fr
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No Man's Sky gameplay E3 2014 (60) - YouTube
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Optimize Nginx + PHP-FPM for faster response times (for Openx adserving) - Stack Overflow
mysql - What value of thread_cache_size should I use? - Server Fault
A How-To Guide: Accelerated Learning for Accelerated Times | The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
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Computrace - Le mouchard universel présent sur les PC, Mac et appareils Android « Korben
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Consolidating Logs with Logstash » Linux Magazine
A successful Git branching model » nvie.com
Graphite and Sensu – | Ulf Månsson about infrastructure
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Quels sont les logiciels qui bombardent le plus votre disque dur ? « Korben
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Nmap Cheat Sheet: From Discovery to Exploits, Part 2: Advance Port Scanning with Nmap And Custom Idle Scan - InfoSec Institute
10.04 - How to get numpad out of "mouse emulation" mode? - Ask Ubuntu
Naturfotograf Photo Contest 2014 – Fubiz™
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How others see an excited SysAdmin - DevOps Reactions
The 12 best Kerbal Space Program mods | PC Gamer
Ma yourte en Mayenne : 36 000 euros et la bénédiction du maire - Le nouvel Observateur
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Faire de l'éléphant en Thaïlande... ce qu'on cache aux touristes - Les voyages de Seth et Lise
Google a bien collaboré activement avec la NSA… et les autres aussi
Kerbal Space Program - Tutorial For Beginners 1 - Building, Flying, Acquiring Science - YouTube
Install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 8.1 in 10 easy steps « Everyday Linux User
Quand le PenSpinning (tourner son stylo autour du pouce) devient un art…
An example of provisioning and deployment with Ansible - Stavros' Stuff
Howto write apache ProxyPass* rules in HAProxy | HAProxy Technologies – Aloha Load Balancer
How to Configure APC Cache on Virtual Servers with PHP running under FCGId - Chris Gilligan » new media
▶ Thinkerview - Interview B.Bayart - Neutralité du net - YouTube
10 sites avec des photos gratuites pour illustrer vos sites « Korben
Wifi Collector is Nirsoft's first Android application | gHacks Technology News
Comment débuter en Ruby on Rails ? par @camilleroux
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Nmap Cheat Sheet: From Discovery to Exploits - Part 1: Introduction to Nmap - InfoSec Institute
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encryption - How to encrypt a file or directory in Linux? - Super User
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